​​​Freudenberg SE
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D-69469 Weinheim
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Email: info[at]freudenberg.com

Board of Management:
Dr. Mohsen Sohi (CEO)
Claus Möhlenkamp
Dr. Frank Heislitz
Thomas Herr
Esther Maria Loidl

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Mathias Thielen

Commercial Register:
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Responsible for content pursuant § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Michael Scheuer
Head of Corporate Communications
Hoehnerweg 2-4
D-69469 Weinheim 

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Concept, Design and Realisation
Lingner Consulting New Media GmbH
Rosenberg 1  
D-74072 Heilbronn  

+49 7131 64 290 30


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